Please, do not mix up the disabling and problematic Preoccupation with the “normal” autistic way of having a hobby/interest.
See Preoccupation as self-medication for extreme stress/anxiety and treat it the same way, help with solving the causes, leave it if you can’t and it is per definition like any drug bad for the sufferer in the end.
I Wonder,
why does it seem to me that nobody disagrees with me or my writings, I can’t be right all the time, or can I?
For quite some time I ‘m working with professional (mental) aid providers, and a number of things come up again and again
The last few days I’m reading more and more messages/blogs/articles from people that are complaining of not getting enough sleep…
Updated: 09-25-2012 (integrated the information I got back from DevArt) Last week I updated my iPhone to iOS 6 and I was…
A working hypothesis, Introduction to the question: Lately I am doing a lot of philosophical deliberation, about how or what…
Hier kan je de Nederlandse versie vinden. Interruption, Hi, as you will know by now I got a form of…
And I really would want to just that, but I seem to have a constant lack of time on my…