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Why does it seem to me that nobody disagrees with me or my writings, I can’t be right all the time, or can I?
I do understand that I’m not important enough, to have you the reader take time out of your busy schedule to have a remark, question or disagreement with me and write a comment on any of my posts.
But it seems odd to me that even though the statistics show people reading all the stuffs and things, and I know a bunch of those are bot’s/crawlers/search engines, but still that leaves plenty of actual people that spend some of their time reading the posts, but lately almost none of them I seem to compel to react to what I had to say, it just seems odd to me.
I’m not fishing for likes, for those have become so meaningless, often only used as a way to redirect attention to themselves or their “product”, what I’m looking for is the discourse as a way to enrich ourselves.
I do try in most of my posts to lower the threshold and invite people to comment, but I ask myself nowadays; am I doing it wrong? are the people I reach not the “right” crowd for doing so?
It is just that the way my brain works, when I come across something new or different, I question it, I like to take it apart to see if it stands up to my rigors, if it does it is integrated my way of seeing things, if it does not it is reexamined on the why, is it simply wrong, is it just not formulated in a way I can’t take it apart, is it partly there in development as it were, is it the way it is communicated, or is it the way I received it. I like this process it keeps me busy.
When I write something I try to put into words how I think I see the subject of the post, provoke some thoughts and ideas in other people, and ultimately hope to get some kind of feedback that either supports, counters or stirred something different, so I can work with that and possibly reevaluate my views.
I know I ask a lot of my readers especially for those are on the spectrum themselves, grasp the stuff I put down in writing, I know it is hard sometimes (that is why I wrote it down in the first place), than form an opinion, take it apart or have it spark something, and finally get past the momentous mountain of a task to overcome doubts, anxiety, forming a “socially acceptable” comment (in words) than remember to type it out and click post, followed by all the stress on who will read it, who will react and how dumb/terrible will their reaction make me look.
I know these things, for I ride that rollercoaster as well every time I try to reach out with a comment or remark on something I read (online), I do try to not make it stop me from participating, but it is hard.
Especially if it is a public form, twitter/forums/blogs/etc. I also feel hesitant to DM or mail people that are more in the public eye for I do not see myself as important enough to take their time or assume I will get lost in the mass of messages “normal” people get.
So dear reader if you managed to get to here, in this post, I do ask of you to comment on what I write if it made you to want to, even if the obstacle to do so was just unsurmountable in your mind, I don’t have a heavy workload so you will not get lost in the masses, I’m open to any opinion (even if it disagrees with me, I revel at the idea), you do mater and so does your idea or opinion. However if it is too much to do so in public feel free to send me a mail (you can find it in the about me section).
And you do not have to limit it to the stuff and things in my posts, as I mentioned what I wrote can very well spark something else, or if you have something you were wondering and you think I might be able to help or give my (least)biased opinion as a non-judging (complete) stranger, do feel free to send it.
Don’t worry about bad English, for I do bat English pretie good.
I’m on the spectrum as people like to say (to be the least offending), I just like to say I got autism and I got it pretty gooood, so don’t worry about being, too lengthy, too detailed, is it socially acceptable or not, or anything else your anxiety or environment tells you and thus keeping you from clicking send.
I will be honest in my reactions so, if you overshare, if you are too harsh or degenerative, if…, I will tell you that, not to judge or make you stop, just to make you aware of it and then you can decide what you want to do with it.
I will also tell you if something is inappropriate in my opinion and then ask you to stop with that.
Just as I will tell you to stop if you are to clingy or too much to handle for me and I will be clear in my communication about those things, I will not sugarcoat it so it cannot be misinterpreted.
So none of those things has to be a worry for you and stopping you from contacting me or commenting, I will just give it back to you if I think it is.