It looks like I still want to do more than time allows

Hi, I am still updating my website but, had this week a lot of things beside that where important like filing a new benefit application and trying to get all the information needed to do so, some of it from 9 years back.

These mental challenges are so tiring and disrupting my normal rhythm, so although I actually have the time to do other things I can’t manage to do them, can’t get myself to start. But as it seems the main hurdles are taken and now waiting to get the response to the different lines that are set out.

So the first thing I did was treating myself to something I wanted have for a very long time, I have ordered the complete TV-series of Star Trek “The Next Generation”, “Deep Space 9” and  “Voyager”  that are 145 DVD’s with about 400 hours of watching to do. The damn thing is only that none of them where directly availble, so have to wait 1 or 2 week before I get them.


And yes I will get the complete TV-series of Star Trek “The Original Series”, “Enterprise” and the complete Star Trek: “Movie series” (11 motion pictures) as well, but I have to save a little for that I can order them.
But hey even when I would watch 4 episodes a day I still need approx. 4 1/2 month before I run out of episodes to watch and that is without any extra content that they have included in those collection boxes.


I am going to get some time spend into the crafting steampunk project so, more time diverted from writing my blog and translating/updating my website but this is a good thing as I explained earlier. Also getting at a point with the running I’m doing (I follow a build up schedule to run 5km/ 3mi 188yd, without dying halfway), that I need more than 2 hour of preparation, warming up,running, cool down/sweat off and shower, so that is in my case a full morning gone 😛 .

Besides that all, have I started to read a e-book on my eReader.

The next things I will do on my website are redesign/write the main/home page so it’s a little more inviting to stay and look around. Also I’m going to translate a big piece and probably rewrite it for a large part, but I have to collect my thoughts on it, before I can start on that one, it will take me probably a few days of (re)writing after I start on it, so maybe halfway next week.

But that will be all for this post.

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