Todo-list (and where am I currently working on)

Right now I’m focused on:
Filling up the blogs, writing all the posts.
blog: projects, setting up a Raspberry Pi (parts n from n).
-blog: projects, setting up a wordpress multi-site on a raspberry-pi (sever pi) in a docker container environment.
-blog: projects, setting up a sensor pi.
-blog: projects, making php website on server-pi with data from sensor pi

Things that are for now next in the planning:

  • Fans controlled via GPIO/temperature
  • MQTT/Mosquito/IOT
  • Get messages if sensors are pass set limit (alarms)
  • Working out to save all sensor data to a database
  • Get the Home-app graphs to switch range shown
  • See if I can get the ESP32 to work
  • See if I can get the ESP32-Cam to work
  • Come up with a use for the ESP32’s
  • Display Pi (LCD, Touch, e-paper, etc ???)
  • ….

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